26 Hours in Lisbon... really?!
A few weeks ago, my daughter Alexandra, and her friend decided to do something most people would think is absolutely insane. Checking flight prices online, they found a deal and impulsively booked a trip to Lisbon for just a few weeks from then. The craziest part of the whole endeavor was the fact that neither of them wanted to miss any work… not even an hour. They flew in late Friday night, and landed back in New York Sunday night. With passport control, customs, security and transatlantic flight- could this trip possibly be worth it??
The two 24-year olds say they couldn’t have found a better way to spend the weekend, or, what actually ended up being about 26 hours in the city. According to them, the secret is in the planning. In the short period of time leading up to the trip, the pair spent every spare minute reading up on the city, trying to learn a few words of Portuguese, and mapping out every stop they’d want to make. They only ended up sleeping about three hours on their one night there, but somehow managed to watch the sunset from the most perfect “miradouro” in Lisbon, serenaded by a lone fado musician. They dined on petiscos (the Portuguese answer to tapas), had shots of ginja with some old men in a local bar, and tried custard tarts made by monks. They walked the entire city end to end, attempting to chat with Lisboetas in a mixture of English, Spanish and, French. It sounded and looked incredible, and I’m still in disbelief that they managed to do it all without anyone even knowing they were gone! Take a look at the photos and let me know what you think… would you do the same thing??